Poet and publisher Jill Magi "tagged" me to answer:
The Next Big Thing QUESTIONS:
What is the title of the book?
Where did the idea come from for the book?
For almost a decade I have had the pleasure of talking to
the choreographer Jennifer Monson about dancing outside. Through this experience of her work and the
work of other movement artists that have come up through the interdisciplinary
Laboratory of Art Nature and Dance (
iLAND) residency program I started to come
up with my own practice of how to write outside – or with outside.
What genre does your book fall under?
Concrete. Somatic. Found. Procedural. Psychogeographic. Poetry.
What actors would you choose to play the part of your
characters in a movie rendition?
What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
TRANSECTs attempts to create a collaboration with words
in their urban habitat using procedures and the scientific technique of a
transect as the method.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of the
Years. Miles.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Inspiration doesn’t always last long I have found without
encouragement and curiosity by friends and peers. The book was buoyed by
conversations and walks with: Phil Metres, Cecilia Vicuna, James O’Hearn, Jonathan
Skinner, Marcella Durand, Tonya Foster, Doug Manson, Michael Leong, Amy Carroll,
Clarinda Mac Low, Bob Sullivan, Katie Holten, Bill Fox, Elliott Maltby, Steve
Clay, Sergio Bessa, Jamal Joseph, James Sherry, Robert Kocik, Petra Kuppers,
Brenda Iijima, Thom Donovan and all the Somatics fellows in Michigan.
The texts that were important to this book include:
Tim Ingold’s Lines
John Cage’s Empty
Jackson Mac Low’s Stanzas
for Iris Lezak
Joan Rettalak’s The
Poethical Wager & Procedural
Elegies/Western Civ Cont’d/
Langston Hughes’ “Island”
Jill Magi’s SLOT
Ed Roberson’s City
Cecilia Vicuna’s “Libro Desierto/Desert Book”
Steve Clay and Jerome Rothenberg’s A Book of the Book
Luce Irigaray’s An
Ethics of Sexual Difference
Liz Kotz's Words to be looked at: Language in 1960's Art
David Joselit’s “Dada’s Diagrams”
The Unpainted
Landscape edited by Simon Cutts
Gianfranco Barchello and Henry Martin’s How to Imagine
What else about your book might pique the reader’s
The emergency orange cover.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an
The chapbook was published by Jill Magi and Sona Books.
Thanks Jill!
My tagged readers for next week are:
Bob Hanson
Doug Manson
Julie Patton
Amy Carroll